Sunday, October 19, 2008

Queen of Moose Trail

No big news, john got on couch to take a quick nap and there went Charlotte. She had quite a quarandry when i went into bedroom to nap, no real contest she hopped down and followed me........I take much longer naps !

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fall has come to Virginia

The true sportsman dogs (not sissy dogs) are ready.

Dash Log... Fishin aint been too good lately. I might be in for a long dry-spell.

At this time of the year Dixie turns her attention to Virginia's whitetail.

Dixie Log...Nothing says fall like and evening chase that takes you off the trail (as any good chase does), through the car-littered yard of some unsuspecting trailer hermit. Sometimes, on a good day you can get real lucky and pick up a cat as you launch yourself off the pallet porch. p.s.... for some reason momma don't like dear chasin the way I do.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


oh! look at those claws!! she's chewing on a bone I got that said 'long lasting, great replacement for rawhide!'-- she had knawed down the entire 8" bone in less than five minutes. Look at that determination! Not even a camera flash right in the eyes could slow her down!

So, I've gathered some proof that I am, legitimately a 'dawg-gone-crazy' person.
Doggy food.

People food.

It's like that.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The "Queen"

We have a new toy for the "Queen". It is a KONG. Raquel told us about it so we just had to get it
for "Her Highness". She is beginng to play with it a little. Something to do with no food there. When she cant get the treat out she comes to Shirley as if to say " Hey, I can't get the goodies out what is going on here! Last night she came to Shirley and took her to the KONG which was empty, then she took Shirley to the treat dish to put something into the KONG. She is the Darth Vaderess of the neighborhood. With few exceptions, dogs that bark or act threatening are on her black list. She is a good companion for us and does like people without exception. She is our security system. We have no worries about break-ins or "burgerlers." If it were not for the many walks every day we would probably be less healthy...and we cannot complain about our health-or anything else for that matter. Life is pretty good here in the Virginia mountains.

Bye for now..............JHB/SAB

Minky sure is a big piece 'a fur.

Oh my goodness! Look at that Mink! She's HUGE! I feel like I need to go home and feed my pup right now!

Well... let see. Names-- I really like Nash [she gnashes her teeth when she's excited-- kinda scary looking]; but its dangerously close to Dash. How do we feel about that?

I also like Birdie [she rolls on her back and looks like a dead plucked chicken for about 12 hours a day]

I'm going to look up some old movie starlet names-- maybe I'll find something I like there...

She is a very spoiled girl -- I have some photo evidence that I'll post later.

I've been really bad about posting mostly because since I have moved, I haven't been able to access any wireless networks in the neighborhood. Boo hoo! No TV or Interweb!! :[

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Welcome To The Queen

Yea, Grampy did it, we finally got Minka's picture up all to see.
This picture implies that she is the queen, I'm gonna let her have the title, otherwise I would have to accept the fact that she's a DOG ! we don't say those words to her is this house...... Now all we're waiting for is Raquel to give us the new Maddy name.... Let's go girls, Andy I still haven''t seen any pics of Steve's dogs, they must be pretty ugly huh! See ya in the funny pages..........

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hogan the Hunter

Hogan's hunt is over for now. John came home last night from hunting expedition to wash clothes, take a good shower and sleep in own bed, I liked that part. He headed back up this morning to stay till Sunday. He let Hogan stay home, the forecast is for rain, which apparently "gets the deer moving". John was extremely impressed with Hogan, he stayed pretty close to him as they were walking. Hogan likes to flush quail out of brush, in doing so he flushed a few does out. No bucks though, but Hogan did everything that was asked of him, chased some deer out of camp, came when called, and is quiet when walking in forest. John said that he was very amused by the chipmunks, watched them but couldn't figure out why they were running up trees. He (Hogan) has a very cute way of tipping his head to the side in time of confusion. So he done good and got to sleep it off on front porch all day. He and D.W. didn't do much chasing and playing today.

On a different note, I have been trying to get a little black and white terrier mix adopted for our friend Robert ( he has MS) the dog is in Fresno at a rescue group. They are trying to get him neutered, the first time they took him in he had kennel cough so they put him on antibiotics, I got an email update tonite from the gal, last week when they took him in he had a fever, they think he might have distemper now, so he's been at the vet's all week, she is hoping he can come home tomorrow. It will still be a few weeks till they can neuter him. Poor little guy, he really is cute. I hope I don't have to tell Robert his puppy dog died. That would be a real bummer. I think that distemper is pretty treatable now, so keep your fingers crossed, he really is a cutie ( the puppy, not Robert, well he's kinda cute too). Anyway that's my doggie update for now. How come nobody else is doodling........ Raquel we need a update on Maddy, Andy are your dogs no longer cute or funny. IS ANYBODY OUT THERE.......................Love Ya