Friday, September 26, 2008

Here Boy, Come on Boy, Oh **** That's Not My Dog

No this is NOT my new dog, wed night I heard coyotes most of the night, also neighbors dog barking all night. I left home about 10 am yesterday morning , as I was driving down our dirt road, I came across this fella and a larger one, jogging across road towards our house. I couldn't believe he stood there long enough for me to grab my camera. In the 18 years we have lived here, it's just been in the last year that we hear coyotes, we hear them a couple times a month. At first it was kinda cool, but it's hard to sleep when they are reved up, very creepy.
So, Hogan got to go camping ! we put sheets and towels down in the truck and johns back seat windows go down all the way, and he has a back window. We also fixed it so that he has limited space to move around in. Hopefully this will keep him from getting sick too many times. He will have lots of fun once he gets there...........Good Luck John, see ya next week.............

Thursday, September 25, 2008

To Raleigh we go!

I'm going to Raleigh this weekend for a friend's wedding and pup is coming along. She has a really cool crate, but she's not too sure about it. She will, however, gladly go in after a few pieces of bacon. I'm going to try tonight to get her in there for an hour or so while I'm doing stuff around the house. So far she has never whined, barked, or made a fuss when I leave her in the kitchen or bathroom-- so this shouldn't be so bad. Its so nice that she doesn't bark often [I've heard three single barks so far]-- she is pretty easy to keep under wraps.

Whew... I'm glad she doesn't get sick in the car-- she's going to need to be an on-the-move sort of pup if she's going to be with me. I'm like a gypsy...except I have lots of stuff and I take showers.

I'm fairly sure she wouldn't pass the come-when-I-call-her test. There's just way more cool stuff out there in the wild then at the apartment. When she did get away though, she didn't run fast, more of a celebratory trot. I guess she needs to start an obedience class in the next few weeks.

When she gets excited, she chomps her teeth together really loudly [kind of intimidating if you don't know her] she won't nip at people, she just likes to make 'chomp' noises-- I'm starting to think her name should have something to do with that.

She hasn't had any neckbones yet, but she's getting very good at eating a chicken quarter that hasn't been cut up at all. It takes a few minutes... but she gets it all down.

Man-- I wanna go to the river!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Morning At The River

Yea Whatsername ! for this you reward her with neck bones....... seems rather harsh....( Ha Ha) Are you working on a name yet ? has she been back in the car yet ? does she get car sick ? Keep us updated.

So the picture is of D.W. and Charlotte at the river this morning, I had to run, OK, drive, into auburn this morning, so I took them with me and we went down to confluence on the way home. I know what you're thinking, I am very anti-river, but I have been watching it lower and lower over the last few weeks. It is very shallow and not moving very fast. Next time I will remember to throw in tennis shoes, not my sandals, with an already stubbed big toe. Not the easiest way to climb down or up hill. As you can see, they got their tummies wet and had a good time.

John is off to hunting/camping for a week on Friday. We took hogan over to high school to run around and see if he runs off, comes when called, does not get car sick. Well, he did not come when called off leash, he fastwalked/jogged away from us, and threw up on the sheet I put down. So, john is debating if he's going to take him or not. It is extremely remote where they are going, john has come across bears more than a few times. I'm still hoping he will take him, even if he leaves him in camp while they are "hunting" I would want some kind of warning if visitors came during the night. I could send the muskrat, she'd be happy to lay around camp all day and is quite a little watchmuskrat ! but she gets to stay home with me. I'm hoping to get another chance to go to another part of the river. Gotta Go................

She still has no name.

So, my little pup has graduated from the spending her days in the bathroom [1 day], the kitchen [4 days], to the living room. So far-- no incidents of any kind. She hasn't even chewed up one of the fifteen thousand shoes lying around. Geez! I'm thinking it's too good to be true and she's going to eat a neighborhood dog the first chance she gets.

I just bought the grossest thing at the store for her to eat. Pork ......wait for it..... NECK BONES. EW! What could those possibly be good for?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

days without dog poop on the floor: 0
reasons why i love linoleum: see above

She was very frisky [with the zoomies] when I got home from lunch... it was cute.

They faxed me the prescription for her food at about 4:45-- just in time to NOT be able to make it to the vet's office. boo!

After settling her stomach with the food I know she can have-- I'll attempt to make some chicken/rice/veggie concoction. More about that later....

Tonight is BACON night--the night I cook two packages of bacon and cut them up into little treats. I think it'll drive her crazy. Last time I cooked them was before she got here...

Flip,Flop Fury..........

I love your story/experience raquel. I feel for you, i have never chased a dog in the rain, a pig once, but never a dog. Charlotte used to do the running off, when she escaped out of front door, i would call and call her, she'd make a run by, give me a look that said "oh, i'll come when I'M ready" so being the adult that i am, i started shouting things like "go ahead,don't come back, i can find a much cuter dog than you" my big gun was to shout O.K. b**** i'm going onto petfinder, hope the coyotes don't get you.
I think that was in my 3rd obedience class...... actually it was scary till the rotweillers that killed all the neighborhood dogs moved out about a year ago.
I'm having my nerve deading procedure this afternoon, so when i get nervous i will think of you stomping back to your apt. in muddy flip flops.... they'll all wonder why i'm giggling.
Hey, a day without dog poop on the floor is a very good day !

Keep the stories comming, love ya

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


During our lunch-time walk today [Maddy] decided she'd like to venture into the woods near the complex. We made it in about 30 feet and she tangled the leash around a some thorny branches. I held her collar and removed the leash just in time to loose my footing on some mud [it was raining, and I was wearing flip-flops]. So... the collar slipped away and she took a few steps, a few more, and by the time I looked up, she was trotting happily, sniffing, pawing around, and generally looking very happy with herself.

She took me over a mile or so of dense, hilly, muddy woods before we came to the back fence of some local plant. I tried to play like I didn't want to catch her, and after a while, I grabbed her collar and marched her home, -- although I found it's hard to walk like you really mean it in flip-flops.

I'm not SO mad, mostly because she was accident free today. Also, I was sitting on the floor rubbing her head and she was doing something between purring and snoring-- pretty funny.

Tuesday has been very fussy since Maddy got here-- even fussier than usual.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Poor Maddy....Or Whatshername

Sorry she's sick , even sick she's quite adorable, glad she likes you ! will she always need a special food, Yikes that can be expensive and time consuming. Maybe you could name her Mrs. Scooper's, sorry couldn't resist. I still like Layla as in Ali... keep us up to date.
We got tired of hogan digging in the front flower beds so we put some semi nice looking fence on the back side of flower bed. So far so good, no digging from the front.
I think we are going to get some new pics, Grampy was feeling left out cause there were no pics of minky. I told him to tell her sorry and if he will send pics i'll put her pics up. So all the burton dogs will be up ! See ya soon minky................
Good point. Ms. Poopers sounds a little silly, but... she is a little silly. And sicky.

It was nice to come home to a bathroom that didn't need cleaning up. And the SpotBot worked amazingly. As soon as I'm so sure she won't have more accidents like that, the SpotBot may become a WalMart rental.

I pinned her in the kitchen with a kiddie gate while she ate. She likes to drag the bloody hunk-o-meat all over, put it down, pick it up, bury it under her bed, and drop it on the company-furnished white couch next to me. She was very confused to find herself behind bars, and looked at me with the wad of meat in tow like, "aw, come on-- you know i can't eat this in here".

It turns out she's most content when chewing a bone [she hasn't touched the stuffed animal, and only wanted the Kong so she could lick the PB out] however, she won't chew a thing if I put her in the bathroom. She also hasn't gotten in the trash or chewed on any furniture or shoes. How lucky is that?
Remember Dash's nickname is Mr. Poopers. That doesn't mean there isn't a Ms. Poopers out there somewhere. Sorry she's sick...yucky, yuck, yuck, yucky, blahhhha....


[Maddy] hasn't been feeling well-- she's used to eating a special prescription food [Science Diet Wet Food ID to be exact] and I haven't been able to get my hands on it. The vet's office said they would have it in stock on Wednesday, and that I'd need a referral from the Humane Society. It's rather hard to take her seriously-- after a 30-second conversation, I decided she may not have finished high school.

Anyway, over my lunch I bought this, hoping to avoid a steam cleaning of the whole apartment. This ended up being a 2 hour lunch, including the 30 minutes walk we took. She didn't use the bathroom, I'm sure she's saving it until I go back to work.

I'll have to report back about how it turns out.

It seems to be working... I left it going, and the poor pup is stuck in the bathroom until this evening... she cannot be trusted until her tummy is all fixed up.

BTW: it smells like 25 baby diapers were turned upside down in my living room, I turned off the AC to so I could ventilate the place. When I come home, I predict it will smell the same, only hotter. I feel bad leaving her in the bathroom, but hey-- what's a girl to do?

Good thing she's cute.

I'm also still in need of name ideas for her: so far I like Tandem-- because she's literally going to go almost everywhere I do. Too bad 'Poopers' is Dash's nickname-- she's on a roll.

Any suggestions?

Raquel sent these pictures of her new puppy. Doesn't she look sweet?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hogan the Hero

Didn't hear from Raquel today, assume all went well, I'll have to call her tomorrow. Gotta give a big shout out to Hogan ! Bark, Bark, Bark, smell of skunk wafts up to the front of the house ! Yeah Hogan, nice barking.
John was talking to one of our neighbors this morning, they are closer to main road than we are. Neighbor has had dachshund killed by mountain lion, and have a bear regularly getting into their garbage ! I say keep barking Hogan, good dog boy, good dog.

Friday, September 12, 2008


This blog is for the Burton and extended Burton family to post and talk about dogs, o.k. cats upon approval. No coffee talk, No daughters talk, NO Barbara Streisand talk. Just Dog Talk !.... Sorry Linda Richmond.

So the news is that Raquel is driving down to Gadsden Alabama Saturday the 13th to adopt a doberman. Her name is Maddy, but Raquel will change that. She has spent the last week purchasing toys, beds,blankets, even a neon cape, so they can bike or walk at night and be seen. I told her she can't let my dogs see the list of items, they will feel quite unloved. But then again they're country dogs, don't need no fancy duds.

So I am going to post pics i have of family dogs, i didn't call it Burton girls cause Dustin has some pretty good stories and pics of his dogs and i want him to post. With going back to school (MBA) working and remodeling home and baby Katie in Dec, i might have to ghost post for him. So let's start posting........