Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Morning At The River

Yea Whatsername ! for this you reward her with neck bones....... seems rather harsh....( Ha Ha) Are you working on a name yet ? has she been back in the car yet ? does she get car sick ? Keep us updated.

So the picture is of D.W. and Charlotte at the river this morning, I had to run, OK, drive, into auburn this morning, so I took them with me and we went down to confluence on the way home. I know what you're thinking, I am very anti-river, but I have been watching it lower and lower over the last few weeks. It is very shallow and not moving very fast. Next time I will remember to throw in tennis shoes, not my sandals, with an already stubbed big toe. Not the easiest way to climb down or up hill. As you can see, they got their tummies wet and had a good time.

John is off to hunting/camping for a week on Friday. We took hogan over to high school to run around and see if he runs off, comes when called, does not get car sick. Well, he did not come when called off leash, he fastwalked/jogged away from us, and threw up on the sheet I put down. So, john is debating if he's going to take him or not. It is extremely remote where they are going, john has come across bears more than a few times. I'm still hoping he will take him, even if he leaves him in camp while they are "hunting" I would want some kind of warning if visitors came during the night. I could send the muskrat, she'd be happy to lay around camp all day and is quite a little watchmuskrat ! but she gets to stay home with me. I'm hoping to get another chance to go to another part of the river. Gotta Go................

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