Monday, September 15, 2008

Good point. Ms. Poopers sounds a little silly, but... she is a little silly. And sicky.

It was nice to come home to a bathroom that didn't need cleaning up. And the SpotBot worked amazingly. As soon as I'm so sure she won't have more accidents like that, the SpotBot may become a WalMart rental.

I pinned her in the kitchen with a kiddie gate while she ate. She likes to drag the bloody hunk-o-meat all over, put it down, pick it up, bury it under her bed, and drop it on the company-furnished white couch next to me. She was very confused to find herself behind bars, and looked at me with the wad of meat in tow like, "aw, come on-- you know i can't eat this in here".

It turns out she's most content when chewing a bone [she hasn't touched the stuffed animal, and only wanted the Kong so she could lick the PB out] however, she won't chew a thing if I put her in the bathroom. She also hasn't gotten in the trash or chewed on any furniture or shoes. How lucky is that?

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