Thursday, September 25, 2008

To Raleigh we go!

I'm going to Raleigh this weekend for a friend's wedding and pup is coming along. She has a really cool crate, but she's not too sure about it. She will, however, gladly go in after a few pieces of bacon. I'm going to try tonight to get her in there for an hour or so while I'm doing stuff around the house. So far she has never whined, barked, or made a fuss when I leave her in the kitchen or bathroom-- so this shouldn't be so bad. Its so nice that she doesn't bark often [I've heard three single barks so far]-- she is pretty easy to keep under wraps.

Whew... I'm glad she doesn't get sick in the car-- she's going to need to be an on-the-move sort of pup if she's going to be with me. I'm like a gypsy...except I have lots of stuff and I take showers.

I'm fairly sure she wouldn't pass the come-when-I-call-her test. There's just way more cool stuff out there in the wild then at the apartment. When she did get away though, she didn't run fast, more of a celebratory trot. I guess she needs to start an obedience class in the next few weeks.

When she gets excited, she chomps her teeth together really loudly [kind of intimidating if you don't know her] she won't nip at people, she just likes to make 'chomp' noises-- I'm starting to think her name should have something to do with that.

She hasn't had any neckbones yet, but she's getting very good at eating a chicken quarter that hasn't been cut up at all. It takes a few minutes... but she gets it all down.

Man-- I wanna go to the river!

1 comment:

Dog Dittys said...

Have fun, can't wait to hear doggie travel stories from you and john. Drive careful ( have to say it, it's a mom thing) love ya,
Aunt Bev